Tired Of Buying Softwares And Struggling To Get Real Results?
Let Me Help You Break Into The
$350 Billion Digital Marketing Space,
Build Your Own Buyers List, Make 6-Figures Per Year
Selling Your Own Software (That You Don’t Have To Create)...
Starting With ZERO Experience & A Tiny Budget!
I’ll Partner With You And Guide You From ZERO to 6-Figures Yearly…
From: Misan Morrison
Attention Future Digital Marketing Success Story
Are you tired of spinning your wheels and looking for that one ‘magic thing’ that will finally give you the success you’re looking for?
Does it seem like nothing is ever going to work for you?
Have you considered giving up completely?
Whatever you do…
Please do NOT give up!
Digital Marketing Is Still The Most Profitable Sub-Niche Under The General Wealth Niche
And when you know the right formula for success, you can quickly go from ZERO to HERO in the Digital Marketing space…
Even if you don’t have any success currently…
You don’t have a product of your own…
You don’t have a buyers list…
Digital Marketing is the one place where the average person with no background, no connections, no product, or no experience can quickly jump to the head of the line and get big results quickly!
This was the case with me and my inner-circle students that I’ve partnered with over the years...
Unfortunately, most online gurus don’t want you to know that you can quickly break out and get big results quickly… even if you’re a total beginner.
The good news is...
I’m going to let the cat out of the bag today...
So Listen Carefully...
Most Internet Millionaires Started By Partnering With Someone...
It’s 100% true.
Pretty much anyone that’s CRUSHING IT online right now that started with NOTHING but quickly scaled up to 7 figures and beyond did it by partnering with someone else that was already getting big results online.
The Key To Success Is Leverage…
When you partner with someone that already has authority, experience, a big buyers list, and access to other affiliates...
...it’s so much faster and easier to get results when you can ethically piggy-back on the resources of that person.
This is commonly called a Joint Venture.
Here’s How A Joint Venture Works...
The new marketer finds a top vendor with a good reputation in the Digital Marketing space and pitches them on their offer.
If the vendor agrees, they will then partner up with the newcomer , prepare the marketing material to sell the newcomer's product, and invite affiliates within their network to mail the newcomer’s offer.
In exchange, the top vendor gets an agreed percentage of the profit from sales , and the newcomer also gets a percentage of sales, plus a responsive buyers email list, and gets a head start in the Digital Marketing space.
It’s A Win-Win Deal For Both Parties
Unfortunately, getting a profitable Joint Venture setup can be complicated...
To do this, you need an offer that will impress a top vendor in the Digital Marketing space...
Then you have to get that person to actually speak to you about this...
And the best and most successful marketers get hit up for MULTIPLE joint venture opportunities every single day.
It can be really hard to STAND OUT from the crowd...
That’s why I created the Partner with “Misan Morrison” Coaching Program so you don’t have to struggle like everyone else that’s battling to finally breakthrough into the Digital Marketing space.
Instead of trying to find a 7 figure marketer to partner with and HOPING and PRAYING that they are willing to talk to you...
You Can Skip All That...
This Program Literally Allows You To...
Partner with me to launch your offers
Get access to my network of affiliates to promote your offers
Leverage my years of experience in the Digital Marketing space to help you map out a product idea that will sell like hot-cakes
And I'll personally recommend your products to my huge buyers list to give you a head-start in the Digital Marketing space
It's A Win For Me And A Win For You
So, if you’re an entrepreneur looking for the next BIG thing that really moves the money-needle on the internet...
...then you’re in the right place at the right time!
So Why Sell Software? What About Products Like Ebooks Or Video Course Training?
Here’s The Deal...
As a newbie looking to break into the Digital Marketing space, you have little or no authority...
That makes it REALLY HARD to effectively teach something to others...
To successfully do that, you need proof that you know what you’re talking about.
Plus, as a newbie, it's way more difficult to gain the trust of Top JV partners that the information you’re sharing is valid.
Even if you decide to go ahead and create an info product like an ebook or a video training, you’ll be forced to sell your product at a very low price between $7 - $19 to guarantee conversions, and at that price you may end up with little or no profit at all...
Listen! I Am Speaking From Personal Experience...
As far back as 2015, I had some prior experience with Facebook & CPA , and felt I could easily break into the Digital Marketing space by recording some videos on my strategies.
After spending sleepless nights creating my video training, setting up a membership area and sales pages…
I managed to convince a top vendor at that time to launch my video training...
With all the hard work I put into this product, I was hoping to make AT LEAST $10,000 by the end of launch.
But I was nowhere near that.
The launch completely flopped!
I was Completely Devastated, And Because Of This One Failure I Almost Gave Up On My dream Of Breaking Into The Digital Marketing Space.
Imagine If I Had Done That...
What If I Had Quit Right Then And There?
That’s what’s at stake today!
Not only could you end up spending a ton of time and effort to make little to no money…
You could end up having a flop, getting discouraged, and give up before you hit it big and change your life for the better!
Luckily for me...
I did NOT give up.
I met one-on-one with a mentor who guided me on how to turn my Facebook CPA strategy into a software that automated some of the tedious tasks involved.
I swung into action immediately.
Got a developer who turned my idea into a software.
Fast forward to a year later, I had a software in my name.
After some back and forth to find, and seal a deal with a JV partner.
I partnered with a top vendor in the marketplace...
In September 2016, We finally launched my software.
And BOOM!!
That Same Software Went On To Generate $251,474 In 7 Days
...and The Rest Is History...
Today, I’m A Top 1% Affiliate & Top 2% Seller On The Jvzoo Marketplace
Listed Amongst The 2022 Top Performance Leaders On JVZoo Out of Millions of Users
I’ve Done Multiple 6 Figure Launches
I’m Able To Hit ‘$1M’ In Sales Milestone As A Solo Vendor And Create Money Out Of Thin Air, Anytime I Need Some Cash 💰
Plus, I Live A Life That Most People Only Dream Of...
And 7 Figures Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg With A Software…
Ever heard of Russell Brunson or ClickFunnels?
Of course you have…
That software makes over $100 MILLION per year!
Alex Baker whois behind Market Hero & Hyros is another great example of just how LIFE-CHANGING having a software business can be…
Hyros was just recently bought out for $110 million!
This Is Not Like ANYTHING You’ve Ever Seen Before
And Don’t Worry...
This is NOT a bunch of video training that won’t end up getting you results.
This is a very focused, hands-on coaching program that will take you by the hand and show you EXACTLY how to make 6-Figures quickly!
...even if you have no Digital Marketing experience, no technical skills, and you’ve never made a penny online before in your entire life.
Partnering With Me Will Change Your Life... Forever!
Imagine building your name and getting recognition in an industry worth $389 Billion in 2021 alone. Just imagine how that will impact your income.
And failure is NOT an option when you work with me...
I have created a proven system over the years that will guarantee results anytime I launch a product in the Digital Marketing space.
And when you work with me, you can piggyback on this and get big results for yourself too!
If You Made $293,781.95 Within 12 Months From RIGHT NOW, Would It Change Your Life?
Just to be clear...
This is JUST ONE of the Digital Marketing marketplace I am earning money from every single year.
I have MULTIPLE streams of income making me money around the clock...
And I’m not showing you this because I want to brag about my success... Far from it!
My goal is to make it clear that money like this is out there for ANYONE.
And I can show you EXACTLY how to earn 6-figures from the comfort of your home laptop...
No longer worry about paying bills
There’s no more struggling to find an online money-making method that works (you can just focus on making MORE money)
Your savings account is growing every single day
You'll be able to buy the things you want... when you want them
Go out to eat and not worry about the cost
Help out other people in need
Finally go on that trip you’ve been putting off
Upgrade your car and your house
Live life on your own terms and even fire your boss if you want!
This Doesn’t Just Work For Me...
My Online Income System Works For Anyone That Partners With Me…
Abhinav Jain & Joshua Joshua Partnered With Me To Launch StockRush September, 2020 And We Generated $183,193.00 In 7 Days…
Two Months Later, Joshua Joshua Partnered With Me Again To Launch Tagget On November, 2020 And We Generated $148,838.50 In 5 Days…
Pankaj Malav Also Decided To Partner With Me On June, 2021 And We Sold $155,567.00 In 5 Days
Raymond Partnered With Me To Launch Redeemly on February, 2022 And We Generated $45,649.10 In 5 Days…
Deepanker Partnered With Me To Launch Ultrafunnels on May, 2022 And We Generated $115,584.82 In 5 Days…
Leon Andrew Partnered With Me To Launch QR Verse on July, 2022 And We Sold $104,579.60 In 5 Days…
Here Are What Some Of My Partners Have To Say About Partnering With Me:
Czar (Webcop Co-Founder)
“Misan Morrison helped me launch my first software… and we closed at over $100k… I 100% endorse Misan Morrison”
Seun Ogundele (Warriorplus & JVzoo Top vendor and Super Affiliate)
“...Misan Morrison assisted me with my first two product launches… and they generated $160,000 in combined sales… I highly recommend him to any one interested in launching a software.”
Now It’s Your Turn...
I’m Opening The Doors Again For 10 Lucky People That Want To Partner With Me And Take A Massive Shortcut To 6 Figures And Beyond...
This Is A Complete Step-By-Step, ‘Hands On’ Coaching Program That Forces You To
Break Into The
$350 Billion Digital Marketing Industry , And
Make 6 Figures With Your Very Own Software App
Go from a complete nobody in the Digital Marketing space to somebody with a name recognized by hundreds of Digital Marketing affiliates and thousands of customers within a few short weeks.
You’ll have your very own high-quality software product
You can finally put an end to shiny object syndrome and guessing what to do next
You’ll be able to create a windfall of life-changing cash from the comfort of your laptop
You’ll now have a responsive buyers list you can use to make money out of thin air by clicking “send”
You’ll finally show all the naysayers that YES, you can earn money online and change your life forever!
My Promise To You:
Starting from week #1...
My team and I will personally work with you and help you accomplish tasks broken down into weekly assignments.
You’ll never get stuck.
I will also be your accountability coach, review all your assignments, and give feedback on every step of the way to ensure you are on the right track and you never get left behind.
And To Top It All Off...
You'll also get access to our private client-only accountability group to connect with the other partners of this exclusive program, surround yourself with successful 6- and 7-figure business owners, ask questions and get support in our private group.
PLUS tons of other resources to accelerate your progress & income because we know that nobody succeeds alone.
Just 5-Stages To 6-Figures (Or More) When You Partner With Me Right Now...
Hands-On Documentation of A Hot Product Idea From Your Marketing Experience Or Skills That Will Give You The Attention You Need In The Digital Marketing Space
This is a critical stage as it sets the foundation of your success in the Digital Marketing space.
As a newcomer to IM, it's extremely difficult to enter the space by selling basic information products like ebooks, or video training…
...Because you do not yet have authority in the Digital Marketing space and people won’t trust what you have to say even if you have so much knowledge on a specific topic.
The good news is we will show you how to turn your ideas into a sexy software that will solve a specific problem for people in the Digital Marketing industry.
And you don’t even have to learn how to write a single line of programming code , or be a software developer, or fork out thousands of dollars of your money to hire developers.
You wouldn’t even believe how dead simple it is using our approach to come up with hot product ideas, and develop marketing software’s that command so much attention in the Digital Marketing space, impress any top vendor to partner with you, WOW affiliates to promote your product launch and drive hundreds to thousands of customers to purchase your product when launched.
However, If you decide to do this stage on your own, you may likely mess up your Digital Marketing foundation and end up with a flopped product launch that nobody wants to buy.
...I learned my lesson the hard way with my first product launch that flopped way back in 2015. Right now you have an opportunity to learn from my experience, and sit on my shoulders so you don’t make the same mistake.
We are literally going to walk you through the EXACT steps we take to document a HOT product idea that is guaranteed to sell in the Digital Marketing space even if you are a newcomer to the Digital Marketing industry.
We will break down the process of researching and documenting your first product idea from your marketing knowledge, skill or experience.
I review your product idea at the end of the week
Critique your product idea documentation and improve on it with feedbacks.
Plus I’ll give you examples of product idea documentations that have done multiple 6-figures in sales.
It’s Like Getting Into The Head Of A Top Digital Marketing Vendor That Already Knows What Will Sell And What Will Not.
Product Development - Turn your Idea Into A Software
Now that you’ve documented a HOT product idea, it’s time to t urn your idea into a software that will help solve the problem s of hundreds to thousands of users around the world.
However, this stage is a nightmare for most people looking to break into the Digital Marketing space with software because…
It takes time and effort to find a developer with all the necessary skills and programming languages required to develop a fully working software based on your requirements.
And when you finally find one, it can cost you upto $5,000 - $25,000 to hire a full stack development team to completely develop a 100% bug free software from a-z with a great user interface.
Plus, You Need A Particular Level Of Experience To Work With Software Developers...
You’d need to speak to them in a language they would understand for them to deliver your software with all the feature’s you documented in stage 1…
Do this wrong, and it could easily delay your project for months , or you could end up with a low-quality software app with a ton of bugs that just isn’t ethically sellable…
And the plot thickens…
If things go south, getting a refund from software developer is almost impossible as they would claim to have spent their time on your project whether they could deliver a 100% working software or not.
Fortunately, There Is A Better Way That Saves You The Stress of Finding, Paying Heavily And Managing Developers When You Partner With Me:
We will not only help you document your product idea, but also connect you with a senior software developer from my in-house development team who will validate your product idea, and breakdown the features in a language any software developer will understand, and create a milestone for your project so you see clearly how long it will take for your project to be completed.
Next, we will get an experienced developer to work on your software idea from A-Z without an upfront payment , meaning you will only get to pay the developer from sales after the software has been launched. How cool is that? This completely takes away the risk of having to cough out $5,000 - $25,000 from your pocket to hire a software developer.
You will also be added in a private group with your assigned developer , so you get to follow along the progress of your software development from start to finish.
Clone My Proven 6-Figure Funnel To Build Your Buyers List And Earn 100% Profit From My Software Products (Before Your Software Os Ready)!
I’ll be 100% real with you right now...
It takes time for developers to fully deliver a 100% working software without bugs.
We can’t guarantee a specific time frame as it depends on your assigned developer.
It could take 2 - 6 months, or even more!
But instead of doing nothing and waiting.
We will set up an automated affiliate funnel of my proven 6 figure software product to allow you to hit the ground running, build yourself a buyers list, and take 100% of the profit… all on autopilot!
After completing the set up, we will show you how to drive unlimited and targeted customers to your funnel from proven to convert buyer traffic sources.
The goal of this setup is to build you a passive income system , selling software in the Digital Marketing space as an affiliate before you break into the Digital Marketing space with your own product.
This is the same thing I literally did to earn multiple 4-figures in commissions per month before launching my software.
Just Look At The Profit Potential From This Alone...
$419,555.54 Earned From One Affiliate Account
$56,757.96 Commissions Earned From Another Affiliate Platform
$46,480.96 Commissions Earned On A Private Affiliate Network
Test Your Software And Gather Real Testimonials & Case Studies Frm A Beta Launch To your List
At this stage, your software should be ready for testing, and we’ll use the small buyers list you’ve built from the prior stage...
Here’s How A Joint Venture Works...
Set up a mini sales page to sell beta access to your software , to ensure there is a demand for your product in the market and nail down a marketing angle for the main launch.
We will prepare all sales copy, graphics and professional demo video to sell your software.
We wi l l also write email swipes you’ll use in selling beta access of your software to your list while you keep 100% profit of the sales from your list.
Next, we will create a Facebook beta testers group for your software and help gather feedback, testimonials and case studies from your product.
We will rigorously test all features of your software , with the help of beta testers to ensure your app is working smoothly and bug free.
We are literally giving you everything needed to print money on demand while we do all the hard work for you.
Nothing gets better than this!
Set A Perfect Date & Successfully Launch Your Software!
This Is The Final Stage Where Your Life Changes... FOREVER!
After “dotting the i's and crossing the t's” on your software , we will study the market trend for the perfect date/time to launch your software.
Most people don’t know this, but setting the right launch date is a determining factor for the success of your launch.
Launch your software on a wrong date, with so much competition or on a day with a global event and you’ll end up with a flopped launch with all your effort and resources wasted...
Immediately We Give The Green Light On Your Software Launch...
We will take all case studies, testimonials, feedback from the beta launch , and prepare for a full blown launch.
We will set a launch date for your software with little or no competition.
We will then prepare all sales materials with no expense spared.
Hire a battle-tested 7-figure copywriter and expert design team to create high-converting sales pages to sell your software.
I’ll invite my network of 2,000+ top jv partners and affiliates to promote your software launch .
I’ll also promote your software to my 20,000+ buyers list.
If You Know Me, You Know I Always Try To Overdeliver...
When You Jump On This Now...
You’ll Also Get These 5 Bonuses Valued At $15,997 For FREE When You Partner With Me NOW
Whitelabel License To My Software Products With Whitelabel Panel (Sell Under Your Name And Keep All The Profit)
I launch new software products regularly with some of them having a whitelabel panel.
And by partnering with me.
You’ll get a whitelabel license to any of my software products with a whitelabel panel.
This gives you the right to sell my software with your own name , to your list and keep 100% of the profit.
Promote All My Future Software Launches With 100% Commissions
Whenever I launch software...
Affiliates only get 50% commissions from a sale.
But by partnering with me on this program.
You get 100% commissions on the front end of all my future launches.
Meaning you get to make more money than other affiliates promoting my products.
The sky's the limit.
You’ll Get My Best Converting Promotional Email Swipes Monthly
Every week, I promote new software products to my buyers list by sending out a series of emails.
And some promotional campaigns totally crush it for me to the tune of 5-figures.
So every month, you’ll get my best converting promotional email swipe so you can model after them to promote products to your own list as an affiliate.
Private Facebook Group With All VIP Partners Of Misan Morrison
You’ll get direct access to me and link minded VIP partners via the private Facebook group.
You’ll get to ask questions, and get help from other successful product owners I have helped to launch their own softwares.
Monthly Zoom Meetings
I’ll organize monthly zoom meetings to go over your software project , review your progress, and help you overcome any challenge you might be facing in any stage and move you to the next stage until you break into the Digital Marketing space with your own software.
In short, I’ll be your success accountability coach.
Choose From 3 Affordable Options To Get Started Right Now
Partner With Me
(Only 10 Spots Available)
Stage 1: we will walk beside you to build up a Hot Selling App Idea , starting from the research and all the way up to the App Development Documentation.
Stage 2: we will assign you a highly talented and responsible developer who will convert your hot selling app idea into a functionable web application ready to be sold to the masses.
Stage 3: we will build up a high converting Affiliate Funnel for you , and will walk beside you to Build your Email List and Make Money as an affiliate while your app gets ready.
Stage 4: we will walk beside you to Beta Launch your App to your list , and even present you to our Million Dollar Rolodex of copywriters, designers, video creators and launch managers to help you make things happen in a professional way and at the best price.
Stage 5 : we will walk beside you to officially Launch your App to the masses , and we will even support your launch advertising it to our huge buyers list.
What you get:
Full access to Misan Morrison & his team to guide you through the 5 STAGE S.
I will launch your app in my JVzoo Vendors’ Account for Mass Payment Processing Guarantee.
You will get a 25% profit share from all sales of your software for life. (e.g 20k net profit sales will earn you $5,000)
You will get a developer assigned to your software project.
Your and the assigned developer face and name will appear on the sales pages as co-founders.
You and the assigned developer will share equal ownership of the app.
You and the assigned developer will share the buyers list.
You and the assigned developer will be responsible for paying the Partners Prizes.
You will be responsible to get the selling and training material created (we can recommend you our service providers)
Access to private community with other coaching students, and previous partners of Misan Morrison
Weekly group coaching call with Misan Morrison
Step by step video training dripped weekly to walk you through the entire system
You will get done-with-you help from my team of 7-figure copywriters and page designers to set up your sales page for your software.
(Only 10 Spots Available)
Option 1: Silver Partners
Stage 1: we will walk beside you to build up a Hot Selling App Idea , starting from the research and all the way up to the App Development Documentation.
Stage 2: we will assign you a highly talented and responsible developer who will convert your hot selling app idea into a functionable web application ready to be sold to the masses.
Stage 3: we will build up a high converting Affiliate Funnel for you , and will walk beside you to Build your Email List and Make Money as an affiliate while your app gets ready.
Stage 4: we will walk beside you to Beta Launch your App to your list , and even present you to our Million Dollar Rolodex of copywriters, designers, video creators and launch managers to help you make things happen in a professional way and at the best price.
Stage 5 : we will walk beside you to officially Launch your App to the masses , and we will even support your launch advertising it to our huge buyers list.
What you get:
Full access to Misan Morrison & his team to guide you through the 5 STAGE S.
I will launch your app in my JVzoo Vendors’ Account for Mass Payment Processing Guarantee.
You will get a 25% profit share from all sales of your software for life. (e.g 20k net profit sales will earn you $5,000)
You will get a developer assigned to your software project.
Your and the assigned developer face and name will appear on the sales pages as co-founders.
You and the assigned developer will share equal ownership of the app.
You and the assigned developer will share the buyers list.
You and the assigned developer will be responsible for paying the Partners Prizes.
You will be responsible to get the selling and training material created (we can recommend you our service providers)
Access to private community with other coaching students, and previous partners of Misan Morrison
Weekly group coaching call with Misan Morrison
Step by step video training dripped weekly to walk you through the entire system
You will get done-with-you help from my team of 7-figure copywriters and page designers to set up your sales page for your software.
$1,997 ONE-TIME PAY (Save $401)
$1,199 x 2 Payments
Option 2: Gold Partners
Stage 1: we will walk beside you to build up a Hot Selling App Idea , starting from the research and all the way up to the App Development Documentation.
Stage 2: we will use our 7 figure coding team to convert your hot selling app idea into a functionable web application ready to be sold to the masses.
Stage 3: we will build up a high converting Affiliate Funnel for you , and will walk beside you to Build your Email List and Make Money as an affiliate while your app gets ready.
Stage 4: we will walk beside you to Beta Launch your App to your list , and even present you to our Million Dollar Rolodex of copywriters, designers, video creators and launch managers to help you make things happen in a professional way and at the best price.
Stage 5 : we will walk beside you to officially Launch your App to the masses , and we will even support your launch advertising it to our huge buyers list.
What you get:
Full access to Misan Morrison & his team to guide you through the 5 STAGE S.
I will launch your app in my JVzoo Vendors’ Account for Mass Payment Processing Guarantee.
You will get a 50% profit share from all sales of your software for life. (e.g 20k net profit sales will earn you $10,000)
You will appear on the sales pages as the only founder.
You will be the only owner of the app.
You will get access to the buyers list and no one else.
You will be responsible for paying the Partners Prizes.
You will be responsible to get the selling and training material created (we can recommend you our service providers)
Access to private community with other coaching students, and previous partners of Misan Morrison
Weekly group coaching call with Misan Morrison
Step by step video training dripped weekly to walk you through the entire system
You will get done-with-you help from my team of 7-figure copywriters and page designers to set up your sales page for your software.
Additionally you get:
I’ll launch your software on the JVZoo Network with millions of users
We will create a JV partners page to invite my personal network of top JV vendors to promote your software, with your face and name on it
We will create a webinar presentation and webinar funnel to sell your software product
We will create a viral prelaunch campaign with an ebook or teaser video , to create buzz and warm up potential buyers to buy your software immediately it launches
We will create a high converting sales funnel with complimentary upgrades to drive 2x-3x more sales revenue.
We will create full blown AD campaigns to drive more sales via Facebook, Google or Youtube Ads and hand you over winning campaigns for you to scale to the moon
My team of dedicated customer support staff will fix all issues from customers while you relax and enjoy the profits.
You’ll get weekly one on one coaching with Misan Morrison via zoom calls, skype, or emails to keep you accountable, ensure you are progressing weekly, and guide you towards hitting your first or next 6-figures in sales.
Access to Misan Morrison’s 7-figure marketing and technical team, to help you tackle any challenges faced along your journey
(Save $601)
$2,799 x 2 Payments
Option 3: Platinum Partners
Stage 1: we will walk beside you to build up a Hot Selling App Idea , starting from the research and all the way up to the App Development Documentation.
Stage 2: we will use our 7 figure coding team to convert your hot selling app idea into a functionable web application ready to be sold to the masses.
Stage 3: we will build up a high converting Affiliate Funnel for you , and will walk beside you to Build your Email List and Make Money as an affiliate while your app gets ready.
Stage 4: we will use our 7 figure copywriting and funnel design team to Beta Launch your App to your list, and create all the selling and training material same as we usually do for our 6 figure launches.
Stage 5 : we will use our 7 figure Product And Launch Management team to officially Launch your App to the masses, and we will even massively support your launch by inviting our personal network of top Partners to promote your launch.
What you get:
Full access to Misan Morrison & his team to guide you through the 5 STAGE S.
I will launch your app in my JVzoo Vendors’ Account for Mass Payment Processing Guarantee.
You will get 75% profit share from all sales of your software within launch week and 100% profit share for life. (e.g 20k net profit sales will earn you $15,000 within launch week)
Your and Misan Morrison’s Name and face will appear on the sales pages to maximize conversions.
You will be the only owner of the app.
You will get access to the buyers list and no one else.
You will be responsible for paying the Partners Prizes.
Access to private community with other coaching students, and previous partners of Misan Morrison
Weekly group coaching call with Misan Morrison
Step by step video training dripped weekly to walk you through the entire system
You will get done-with-you help from my team of 7-figure copywriters and page designers to set up your sales page for your software.
Additionally you get:
I’ll launch your software on the JVZoo Network with millions of users
We will create a JV partners page to invite my personal network of top JV vendors to promote your software, with your face and name on it
We will create a webinar presentation and webinar funnel to sell your software product
We will create a viral prelaunch campaign with an ebook or teaser video , to create buzz and warm up potential buyers to buy your software immediately it launches
We will create a high converting sales funnel with complimentary upgrades to drive 2x-3x more sales revenue.
We will create full blown AD campaigns to drive more sales via Facebook, Google or Youtube Ads and hand you over winning campaigns for you to scale to the moon
My team of dedicated customer support staff will fix all issues from customers while you relax and enjoy the profits.
You’ll get weekly one on one coaching with Misan Morrison via zoom calls, skype, or emails to keep you accountable, ensure you are progressing weekly, and guide you towards hitting your first or next 6-figures in sales.
Access to Misan Morrison’s 7-figure marketing and technical team, to help you tackle any challenges faced along your journey
(Save $801)
$5,399 x 2 Payments
5 Reasons Why You Need To Jump On This Right Now
There Are Only 10 Spots Available, And Once Those Spots Are Taken, This Special Offer Will Close (Or The Price Will Increase Substantially)
You Will NEVER See Pricing LowerThan This To Work With Me
When You Jump On This Now, You’ll Get Access To Over $15k In Bonuses For FREE
This Is Like Nothing You’ve Ever Seen Before
The Sooner You Jump On This The Sooner You’ll Be On Your Way To Ending The Never Ending Cycle Of Buying Courses That Work And Finally Achieving Financial Freedom
Let’s Recap Everything Included
When You Make The Wise Choice To Partner With Me Today
Stage #1
Product Idea ..................................................................... Real World Value: $1,000
Stage #2
Product Development -
Turn Your Idea Into A Software ......................... Real World Value: $10,000
Stage #3
Clone My Proven 6-Figure Funnel
To Build Your Buyers List And Earn
100% Profit From My Software Products............. Real World Value: $500
Stage #4
Test Your Software And Gather
Real Testimonials & Case Studies
From A Beta Launch To your List ........................... Real World Value: $500
Stage #5
Set A Perfect Date & Successfully
Launch Your Software! .............................................. Real World Value: $7,000
Free Bonus #1
Whitelabel License To My Software
Products With Whitelabel Panel ......................... Real World Value: $3,000
Free Bonus #2
Promote All My Future Software
Launches With 100% Commissions ................... Real World Value: $1,000
Free Bonus #3
You’ll Get My Best Converting
Promotional Email Swipes Monthly ......................  Real World Value: $500
Free Bonus #4
Private Facebook Group With
All VIP Partners Of Misan Morrison ....................... Real World Value: $500
Free Bonus #5
Monthly Zoom Meetings ........................................... Real World Value: $1,000
Get It All Now For Much Less
Partner With Me
(Only 10 Spots Available)
Silver Partners
$1,997 ONE-TIME PAY (Save $401)
$1,199 x 2 Payments
Gold Partners
$4,997 ONE-TIME PAY (Save $601)
$2,799 x 2 Payments
Platinum Partners
$9,997 ONE-TIME PAY (Save $801)
$5,399 x 2 Payments
Last Chance To Partner With Me (Only 10 Spots Available - And These Will Fill Up FAST)
Keep Doing What You’ve Been Doing And Struggling To Get Results
Partner With Me
(Only 10 Spots Available)
Partner With Me
(Only 10 Spots Available)
Silver Partners
$1,997 ONE-TIME PAY (Save $401)
$1,199 x 2 Payments
Gold Partners
$4,997 ONE-TIME PAY (Save $601)
$2,799 x 2 Payments
Platinum Partners
$9,997 ONE-TIME PAY (Save $801)
$5,399 x 2 Payments
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is the Partner With “Misan Morrison” Coaching Program?
I’ll personally partner with you using my proven 7 figure method for launching software products to build and successfully launch you’re very own high ticket, in-demand software.
Who should join this coaching program?
If you’re just starting out, you’re struggling to get results, you’ve tried and failed, or you just want to take a massive shortcut to success, this is for you!
What makes this different from other coaching programs?
I “talk the talk” because I actually “walk the walk.”
There is no theory… There is no guessing… None of this outdated… I’m opening up my own business to show you how I’m making $1,000,000+ per year AND utilizing my team and resources to give you a massive shortcut to your own 6-7 figure software business without any of the hard work required.
Are there any ongoing fees or costs?
When you join this exclusive coaching program TODAY, you’ll get access to everything for a highly-disounted, ONE TIME payment.
What can I expect from this?
You’ll disover how to go from a complete nobody in the Digital Marketing space to somebody with a name recognized by hundreds of Digital Marketing affiliates and thousands of customers within a few short weeks
You’ll walk away with your very own high-quality software product
You FINALLY be able to put an end to shiny object syndrome and guessing what to do next
You’ll be able to create a windfall of life-changing cash from the comfort of your laptop
You’ll now have a responsive buyers list you can use to make money out of thin air by clicking “send”
You’ll finally show all the naysayers that YES, you can earn money online and change your life forever!
What’s included inside?
Why do I need to join today?
Because there’s only one of me, I can only work with X people on this…
Once these spots fill up (which will happen FAST), this deal with close, and IF I ever re-open this again, it will be at a MUCH HIGHER price…
This Is Your LAST CHANCE To Join…
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